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About MutableCreationOptionsInterface

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Recently I got a bit stuck when I started to implement some basic input filters which would save a lot of boiler plate code in our REST API. Continuously we were injecting the entity access services into our REST API resources. Where some resources would offer an entity having over more than five relations to other entities.

This led me down the path to start looking into alternatives approaches and how to increase the reusability of the code base. Quite quickly the path of implementing custom filters that would transform a numerical identifier into an entity using the access layer seemed a logical approach. Validation of the item could be resolved with a InstanceOf validator to check the object type to be of the correct type. Using this approach would offer the referenced object as part of the request validation and resulting in a slimmer resource controller as we would no longer get the entity using the access layer in the controller.

Next hurdle was to inject the access layer into the newly written filter. Luckily Zend Framework offers the factory pattern in the form of the FactoryInterface as well as the ServiceLocatorInterface.

However, certain filters would need some contextual options which up until now the project never required. As this is not possible using a plain factory I searched through the Zend Framework documentation and sources. The solution was found in the the MutableCreationOptionsInterface interface, which adds the public function setCreationOptions that will be invoked before calling the createService method. Making the contextual options available when creating the filter.

So how does it all tie together when written code:

Filepath: ./module/App/src/Filter/Factory/UserFilterFactory
1namespace App\Filter\Factory\UserFilterFactory;
3use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
4use Zend\ServiceManager\MutableCreationOptionsInterface;
5use Zend\ServiceManager\MutableCreationOptionsTrait;
6use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
7use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
8use App\Filter\UserFilter;
10class UserFilterFactory implements FactoryInterface, MutableCreationOptionsInterface
12 use MutableCreationOptionsTrait;
14 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
15 {
16 $dependencyA = $serviceLocator->get(\App\DependancyA);
17 $dependencyB = $serviceLocator->get(\App\DependancyA);
18 $filter = new UserFilter($dependencyA, $dependencyB);
20 $filter->setOptions($this->creationOptions);
22 return $filter;
23 }

Small note, the MutableCreationOptionsInterface has been removed in Zend Framework 3 as the options now can be passed directly through the factory

End of article